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Maui Plein Air Painting Invitational

Maui Plein Air Painting Invitational Feb. 16 - Feb. 24, 2013 Maui's premier plein air painting event invites the public to observe 25 premier artists live at various locations around the island. Also wrapped into this week are lectures, workshops, an awards gala, and other special events where the public can purchase work, or meet and chat with the participating artists. Maui No Ka ‘Oi Magazine Gala Reception Friday, February 22, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Village Gallery, 120 Dickenson Street in Lahaina "This weeklong event highlights 25 professional plein air painters from throughout Hawaii and the US Mainland. The painters capture the images of Maui – its people, its beaches and ocean scenes, its majestic mountains and valleys, and its historical buildings." "Participation is by invitation only. Invitations are extended to established professional artists that excel in the category of plein air painting. Each year the group Islanders evaluates those interested and qualified to participate." For more information, including a detailed schedule, visit the Maui Plen Air Website

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